Wiersma Family Blog

A glimpse into our lives as a family with micro-preemies. Our twins boys (Lovingly referred to as our Miracle Men) were born almost 16 weeks early.

Our journey continues when our son Max was diagnosed with cancer at the age of 3. This is his story....

Thursday, September 8, 2011

Max is on the Move!

The boys have been making incredible strides lately! We are so thrilled with all the progress over the past few months!

Max is officially off the vent!!!!! Woooooo Hooooooo!!! He is doing very well off of it. He recently had a trach infection but he handled it so well he didn't need to go back on the vent. A VERY good sign that his lungs are getting stronger!
He also decided yesterday the he was going to walk!!!! He has had the ability for a while he just lacked the confidence. I can't believe how fast he is.  Now I have 2 walker, 2 climbers, and 2 talkers.

Wes is doing fantastic. He is starting to say words, and signs all the time! He is still super spunky and keeps me on my toes. I LOVE it!

Feeding therapy is going well. It is going to be a slow process but they are both making great progress! Wes opened his mouth yesterday and took a bite of food. He didn't gag or wretch or anything! AMAZING!!!!!! Max is a little slower. His cautious personality really takes over. But, he is allowing me to do mouth exercises andand little kisses.

We are on a roll here at the Wiersma household. Go guys Go!

Wednesday, August 3, 2011

Better and better!

So it has been a while.  Sorry.

Max and Wes are doing amazing! They have learned to say a couple words. Baby, ball, Dada, Mama, Papa (my Dad), and a few others it is so cool to see them soak up everything. They are little sponges these days!

We are starting feeding therapy next week. I am very excited to start this process. It will be long and tedious but it is a huge step in loosing the feeding tubes.

Wes is into everything. My Dad has to constantly remind me that it is a blessing. I know it is, but when your in the thick of it that is not your first thought.  :) He loves learning new things, reading, and singing...and being busy busy busy!

Max is off the vent!!!! As of last week Friday Max has been vent free. He gets humidity to his trach but it isn't any type of lung support. Max is almost walking. He can walk he just doesn't have confidence yet. He will take a couple steps and then realize he is on his own and then sits down. It is quite cute. He tries hard to keep up with Wes.

Every stage gets better and better. They are just soooo much fun. I don't think I have ever laughed so much before. They are such good little men.

Please pray that the boys continue on this fantastic path. We are so amazed at how well they are doing. Also, Max needs to continue to gain weight or he'll have to go back on the vent at night. So please pery he continues to do so well and grows and grows!!!
Thank you all for all your prayers and support. We appreciate it more than you could possible know.

Sunday, April 17, 2011

Pics coming soon.

I apologize for not posting the pics of the boys second birthday. I will hopefully get them up soon. We had a great day. The boys loved plating with Papa. Grandma, and Grandpa. They also had fun playinf with spaghetti as you will see from the pics when they get posted.

Big things are coming up for Max. We will find out at the end of the month if we can get rid of his vent. Please pray that his lungs are developed and ready to be on their own.
He is becoming such a...toddler. It is amazing to see them learn new things. To see their faces when they know they did something you asked, priceless.

Wes is having a sleep study to hopefully get the go ahead to be done with oxygen. Don't tell their docs but he hasn't slept with oxygen in almost a year.
He is FULL of it. To smart for his own good. He loves to push my buttons, like most toddlers like to do to their mothers.

I also want to share with everyone that Max and Wes are finally going to get baptized. June 19, Fathers Day, come to Haven CRC in Zeeland. We would love to celebrate the boys with all who want to join us.

Thursday, March 24, 2011

Max ans Wes are almost 2!!!

Sunday will be our Miracle Men's second birthday!!! I cannot believe it!

We have had a great couple of months:
Wes is walking all over the place and starting to make more and more noises. He is such a...go getter. This kid is scary smart. He has found a way to get under his brothers crib, take of the heating vent, and throw toys down the ducts.

Max has had some fantastic new this week. His vent settings are getting lowered even more. If he does well with the changes we could be FINISHED with the vent at the end of April!!! We also get to start using a speaking valve. It will allow him to make noise and "talk" through his trach! I still can't believe all these amazing changes. Max is also creeping along furniture and loves his freedom to crawl all over the house.

I will post some pics of their birthday.

Wednesday, February 9, 2011


MAX: Max had a sleep study done last night. It was to see if he could sleep without the support of his ventilator. We won't get results for a month or so but, he did great (in my opinion)! He slept the whole night with out the vent and even had his oxygen level turned down. I am a happy proud Mama!!!
Max continues to amaze us. He is crawling all over and starting to verbalize more and more as well as signing things. God has really brought us through some difficult times, but to look at my son today makes it all worth it.

WES: We have a walker!!!!!!! Wes took his first steps Sunday morning!!! I don't think he realized what he did but Mark and I were beside ourselves with joy! Since then he only walks to Mark, which to be honest I am jealous of, but I'll get over it.
He has also started to vocalize. No words yet, but the fact that he is making any noise at all is FANTASTIC. He doesn't quite have as many signs down as Max. I can't keep him still long enough to learn them.

Every stage is better and better. I keep saying this is my favorite stage but it is true. It just keeps getting more fun....for all of us!
I looked through some of the boys baby books and can't believe how far they have come in a year. God has truly blessed our little family. He is showing us the way through this storm. We can finally see the sunshine through the clouds...and it is a beautiful thing!

Wednesday, January 26, 2011

Go Boys go!!! We are on the move!!!

We just got back from a fantastic pulmonary appointment! Max can be off his vent while he is awake!!! He needs to be on a small amount of oxygen. But, he can crawl around with only one small tube instead of 3!!! The doctor also got rid of one medication and lowered the dose of another. We are so thrilled! Things are moving in the right direction.

Wes is also doing great! He is standing up without help. No steps yet but he has his balance! He is starting to make more vocalizations. He is full of energy and spunk. He has learned to crawl through the end tables to escape into the kitchen. He is very...spirited.  :)

We are loving this new phase! We are enjoying every minute of all these new developments.

Thank you God for all of these amazing blessings! Thank you for our little Miracle Men and their amazing growth and development! Thank you for everyday we have to watch them change and learn new things!

Tuesday, January 4, 2011


Today (January 4) Max has been home for ONE YEAR!!! The time has flown by! We have loved every second of our little family living under one roof! Max has done so well being at home. We have only had one weekend in hospital, and another visit but no admission.
Max is still struggling with trach infections, but other than that he is a HAPPY little boy! He is doing great on his vent weans when we are able to do them. He is on the verge of crawling and loves to "talk."He has the sweetest little voice ever. Thank you for all your prayers and support! God has given us 2 AMAZING little men! I cannot wait to see what He has in store for them.

Wes is also doing great! He is trying to vocalize more and more, it sounds like grunts and screams but it is a step in the right direction. He is the fastest crawler you have ever seen, man that kid can go! He loves his freedom to walk along the stuff and between furniture. He is getting a little to smart for my liking though. He has figured out how to move his barriers/gates and he steals toys from his brother and puts them just out of reach so Max can't get to them.

We are so thrilled with how our little men are doing! God has blessed us so much over the last year. 2011 is going to be a fun year.